KDE GRUB Bootloader Editor

Sometime you are looking through the menus in a Linux distribution and find an absolute gem of a program, in my view this is one of them.

I do not apologies for saying that I absolutely hate GRUB. In fact I’ll be more specific, I hate GRUB2. Just when I had mastered GRUB v1, out pops GRUB 2 and all the rules change! 

Now to be clear, I love what GRUB does and what it does as a boot loader it does really well. What it totally fails at doing is providing an easy to use interface to modify the GRUB settings, without a high possibility of ‘bricking’ your computer!

Well that was until now when I found KDE GRUB Editor in System Settings in Kubuntu 11.10

The editor allows you to change:

  • Menu entries

  • Boot Default Entry delay

  • Background image

  • Hide Boot Menu

You can also:

  • Create, restore and delete GRUB backups using an assistant

  • Install/ Restore GRUB

  • Find out how GRUB names your hard disks and partitions

  • View configuration files

Whilst care should be taken in using this tool, it is an very useful tool to help you manage GRUB.

KDE 4.x has become really polished in 2011, I would strongly suggest you give KDE a test drive in 2012.

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