Installing Subsonic 5.0 on NAS4Free 9.2.x Embedded–PART 1

To be able to run Subsonic on a NAS4Free server you need to run it within its own separate environment which is called a Jail. There are different ways of creating a Jail within NAS4Free, this post is going to cover installing TheBrigg Jail manager. In part 2 we will look at how to install Subsonic within a Jail in NAS4Free.

PART 1 – Install TheBrig Jail manager and associated YouTube video

Note: All existing Jails must be removed from NAS4Free

Create a directory to contain your Jail, do this in the root of your data drive rather than anywhere else. in my case the directory was created on the first data drive called data1

From terminal SSH into your server and create a directory called Jail in the root of your share:

mkdir /mnt/data1/Jail

Change directory to the root of the share by entering

cd /mnt/data1

Now we are going to download the script from and save it to the current directory using the fetch command

fetch -o

If successful you should get something similar to the following


we then change permissions on the script file so it can be executed

chmod a+x

and then we execute it:

/bin/sh /mnt/data1/jail 2

This downloads a zip file, the 2 at the end says to download it from the working branch. The script is then executed and produces the following output


once complete you should see the following


Return to the web browser and refresh the NAS4Free GUI by pressing F5, under Extensions you should now see


Selecting TheBrig you will see the following error


Do not worry this is normal!

Now configure the locations for jails , basejail and template. Select Maintenance > Rudimentary Config and use Installation folders for all locations like so


Click Save

Under the Maintenance > Tarball Management tab, press the Query button and select the base.txz file for the release of NAS4FREE you have installed. in my case this was 9.2-Release.

NOTE: If you are running the 64-Bit version of NAS4Free YOU MUST also download the lib32.txz tarball


Click Fetch.

With the tarball installed it is now time to configure the Jail for Subsonic

Click on the Current Jails tab to display the following


We are now going to add a jail for Subsonic, click on the + sign in the TheBrig config panel and configure as per the screenshot below

Set Jail name to Subsonic

Type to Full

Allocate a static IP address for the Jail, one which is outside the DHCP range of your network.

Set Jail to Start on Boot

Leave Jail Location blank so it defaults to /mnt/DISK1/Jail/Subsonic/


Check the Enable the mount devfs checkbox


then then check the Official FreeBSD Flavor checkbox


Once done save the setting by clicking Add

In the Current Jails screen, click Save

Start the Jail Subsonic by clicking on the Green start button under Action.

Your Jail should then start and the resulting screen should look similar to the screenshot below


The Subsonic Jail is now configured. In Part 2 we will install Subsonic 5.0 into this Jail.


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